Family Fun

Day 6

I feel like I’m starting to get into my own little routine. I wake up while Jason is getting showered, do a meditation, say good-bye to Jason, get up and get coffee, check work emails, and do yoga. Then comes whatever work needs to be done, whatever chores need to be done, and anything extra ( like the fridge). The days are passing faster than I expected, so I guess my routine is working.

The boys haven’t quite figured theirs out yet. They are sleeping late and then rolling out of bed to watch tv or play video games. At some point in the day, they’ll work out. Getting them to do their chores is almost harder now than when they were in school. You’d think with all the extra time, it would be easier. But no – they feel like they have all the time in the world, so they put it off, until it’s too late.

It was announced today that school won’t start back until after April 4 (for now). The boys were kind of shell shocked by that news. They weren’t quite as excited about that as they were the first extension. The school district is saying they’ll have online options ready for next week. That’ll really make the boys happy (or not).

Hearing random rumors of increased isolation procedures and seeing more ‘stay at home’ and ‘shelter in place’ mandates going down. I think coming in waves like that helps, but a nationwide lock-down might freak people out. Trying to hold place for rumors and not freak out at the same time (realizing they are just rumors) is hard for my anxious soul that already like to jump straight to worse case scenarios, but I’m trying to focus on the things I can control (like adding more groceries to my Kroger pick up order) and let go of the rest. And staying off Twitter.

My to-do’s today included: washing the sheets (check), cleaning therapy toys (check), and updating the pantry (nope). 2/3 isn’t bad!

Work hasn’t gotten any clearer which is an anxiety trigger. I was able to do some telesupervision today so that helped. Tomorrow Gina and I are going to investigate a telepractice program. The State hasn’t approved billing for telepractice yet – but things seem to be moving in that directions, so we want to be ready.

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